Dieter DC6EH aus Kempen berichtet über den Einsatz vom IceConeFeed v2.1 bei DATV: “Die ersten Empfangsversuche sind sehr positiv verlaufen. Nachdem ich die Ice Cone V2 gegen die neue V2.1 getauscht habe, gab es auf DATV eine Verbesserung um +0,8 dB – 0,7 dB. Meine Bedingungen waren der Empfang der DATV-Bake ohne weitere Sendesignale auf…
Schlagwort: QO100
Tors South Norway Rove
Tor (LA9XGA) was on tour DXing from Southern Norway being QRV on various Oscars. His QO100 mobile station is sporting the Ice Cone Feed v2. I took a chance and worked him on QO100 one evening. Images by courtesy of Tor (LA9XGA)
LNB attenuation
By principle the helix antenna will blank out a certain amount of signal as it is mechanically located in front of the receiving element. A geometrical analysis illustrates why and gives a good indication of the attenuation order of magnitude.Assume an opening angle of the LNB of 50 deg. The helix shade from the LNB…